Our Staples-Motley School District kitchens produce over 20,000 nutritious meals per month throughout the school year.
School Meals are now FREE, but have you filled out your Application for Educational Benefits?
This form must be completed every year to evaluate benefit status. Even though all school meals are free, this form plays a large role in funding for our district so everyone’s participation is CRUCIAL. Please complete between July 1 and the start of school for maximum benefits, however this form can be
completed at any point during the year. Benefits can only be added during the year, not reduced. Did you have a large change in your life (job, family size, etc.? Please fill out another Application for Educational Benefits.
Here are some possible benefits if you qualify
2. Free tax filing
4. Discounts through your cable/internet provider
7. Free entry or reduced entry fees for MN Museums or Zoos
If you have any questions regarding Food Service, please contact our Director of Nutritional Services, Wade Vangsness.
Please check out and discuss with your children the School Breakfast and School Lunch Meal Patterns.
- We use these strict guidelines to build the menus for the students.
- We offer our students the required servings from the meal patterns instead of us forcing them to take things they will not eat.
For breakfast, students must take at least 3 items (one must be a fruit) to qualify as a reimbursable meal by state and federal guidelines. At lunch, students must take items that qualify in at least 3 of the 5 categories for the meal to be reimbursable. If students are not selecting the minimum requirements at
meal times, they can be charged for the price of the items.
If a student decides they are not going to eat something they have selected, we have a “share tray” for unopened items where students looking for more can go to consume items that others did not want.
Staples-Motley Schools ISD # 2170
2024 - 2025 Fee Schedule
School Meal Prices
Students Pre K – 12 FREE
Adult Breakfast $3.10
Students Pre K – 12 FREE
Reduced Price Pre K – 12 FREE
Adults (with milk) $5.00
Milk per half pint, purchased individually $ .75